If you’d like to see my other pieces of nipple jewellery and the photographs of them click here
Green Nipple Ring With Silver Ball and Daffodils. #SJC 115
Somedays we just need the feeling of spring to help lift our mood. Daffodils trumpet spring in with wonderful colour. So here is a green […]
I was given a challenge this weekend when I asked for inspiration for photographs. The suggestion/challenge came from Honey and was this – “ Face […]
Rainbow Nipple Ring and tulips #SJC 114
This rainbow nipple ring is one of my favourites I’ve had for some time. It’s large, colourful, showy and makes me smile. Just like these […]
Eroticon 2020 Meet and Greet
This year will be my third at Eroticon. I remember how nervous I was attending for the first time and meeting all the bloggers and […]
Celtic Nipple Shield and Blue bar #SJC 113
Day 29 and my final image of my February Photograph Fest and I thought I would combine two of my favourite things. My Celtic nipple […]
This is another outtake from my prompt week for shadows. Still using the same steaming pan with holes in but this time with an LED […]