This week I dyed my hair pink for the first time ever. As a child I was really blonde and have occasionally topped up the blonde with hair dye during my life. My natural hair colour now is just a really dull weak tea colour. My second child asked if they could dye their hair blue while not at school, so when I was at the supermarket during my once a week lockdown shop – I picked up some pink as well as blue. Iā€™m not really working at the moment, and I normally have a pretty public facing job so never did anything wild with my hair colour. So I thought why not?

Iā€™m pretty pleased with the result. Patchy and not completely even but for a first attempt and done myself I was happy. Four days on my kids have finally stopped laughing at me, but my husband was equally happy with the result as you can see.

Colour photograph of a woman giving a blowjob looking from the feet end of the man  the woman has bright pink bob hair that is hung down nearly covering the cock

To see who else is sinning this week click on the lips below.

Sinful Sunday logo with pink lip print

29 thoughts on “Pink Hair

  1. I think you did a good job of it, and I am talking about your hair and by the looks of it your performance in the pic too. No doubt your hubby is happy. Thanks for sharing (and being an amazing Mum). Jo x

  2. I wish I could get my hair this colour but it is far too dark and would requiring bleaching which I don’t want to do but I absolutely love how it looks on you and damn I miss sucking cock


  3. Good for you!

    I can relate, I’m a natural redhead but my color has faded due to health issues and I was never allowed to dye my hair because others wanted the romantic redhead look

    Ohhhh it was sooo much fun and freeing the first time I added colors

    You look great and almost like a flower in this picture

  4. This look absolutely fabulous. Iā€™ve been tempted to colour mine again but I need to bleach it first which scares me!

    Also, I hate how hair colour, body art etc somehow reflects on professionalism!

    1. Iā€™m exactly with you. I wish it didnā€™t matter but it generally does. Maybe if we end up going back in stages I can keep some pink and people will get use to it ?!

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