Day 27 of my February PhotoFest
Knelt on the chair.
I was told to strip and kneel on the chair. Face over the back. Feet lifted up. I don’t mind a spanking, I enjoy being […]
Table mirror
Whenever I stay somewhere new the first thing I look for is the mirrors and potential photographs I could get. This apartment was the best […]
His strength has always inspired me. The week we got together he’d been doing a chainsaw course and when I offered him a back massage […]
Pink Nipple Horseshoe #SJC 112
Day 22 of my February Photograph Fest and a pink and shiny nipple horseshoe. You can see my other jewellery images here.
Over the desk.
The idea of perverting an everyday object into a piece of sexual equipment is a great feeling. Over the years I’ve enjoyed experimenting with whatever […]
I love a nice hotel room. I always take my camera and tripod now when I know I’ve got a posh hotel stay coming up. […]
I love fishnet tights and stockings, and my fishnet bodystocking featured highly in the first FebPhotoFest I did. This set was a pair I bought […]
Purple suspender belt
I’ve recently gone off my love of hold up stockings with some problematic evenings when they just didn’t, so I’ve come back to wanting to […]