Post Sunday morning sex cuddle is my favourite type of cuddle. Although today we would be closer entwined if it wasn’t so warm.
Hanging on or climbing? #SJC 237
Some days I’m not sure whether I’m climbing up on this tough wall of life or just hanging on.
N is for Necklace
The beautiful @19syllables and her gorgeous necklaces. Photographed in soft afternoon sunlight for the prompt week on Sinful Sunday.
Breakfast nipple bar #SJC 236
I changed my jewellery this morning to my glow in the dark green and blue acrylic nipple bar but was too hungry to spend the […]
Woodland Tits
I use to think that my breasts were my best feature of my body. I was a late developer and didn’t get boobs and start […]
Rainbow socks
I went to my first ever pride event today and one of the items I wore were these fabulous over the knee socks. If they […]
With pride #SJC 234
Today I’m going to my first pride event. I’ll be walking with my rainbow flag but maybe a few more clothes on than this. I’m […]