This month’s SinfulSunday prompt is the letter J. I was trying to think of what christmasy words I could do – Jolly, Jumper, Joy, but was becoming stuck until I thought about Joseph, Jesus and Mary.
I admit I’m not a religious person but was brought up with parents with a strong faith. Every year they get their hand knitted nativity scene out and despair when I put the sheep in the manager or hide the kings presents so I thought I’d do my own version.
Joseph who is front and centre has appeared in a few other blog posts including Inside and Outside I can’t hold him and One shot two ways
Mary is also no shrinking Violet either seen in Fuck Yourself and Step In Strap On
I almost wish I could have made this purely from my Godemiche toys but I just didn’t quite have enough. Although Balthazar does make a beautiful King, maybe next year I will have enough to complete the scene.
So gather round my scene and let’s have a singalong “Oh Cum all ye faithful!” 🎵🎶

OK, THAT is the most creative thing I’ve seen in a while. Good job!
You really took “J” to a certain limit.
Thank you for all that work.
Thank you – I like to try ☺️
OMG that’s hilarious!! 🖤 love it 💋
I think this is bloody brilliant, Missy – super clever x
This is the most unique nativity scene I’ve ever seen. Fabulous. Though I wouldn’t show it to my dad. lol or my mom if she were still around. Very creative on your part.
Fucking hell, this is hilarious, Missy! And thanks for the links, I am getting out one of my Godemiche toys to look at them with.
well done . Clever, creative and erotic
Oh this is brilliant!
This made me chuckle, I will never be able to look at my parents nativity in future years without casting my mind back to this. Thank you for that.