This is my favourite glass dildo and one thing I love about glass is it’s pretty obvious when it’s clean or not. So after a rather fun session with a friend I did the clean up and decided to mess with my camera a little bit too.

Post sex naked relaxed time is often when I grab my camera. I’m often too busy earlier.

Colour photograph of a glass dildo being held in a hand horizontally in the middle of the image. Reflected in the glass and blurred behind it is two naked figures, one Male and one female but very little details seen.

Logo saying SinfulSunday over a pink lip print

21 thoughts on “Cleaning my glass

  1. This is so clever. I have no idea how you did it but it is brilliant. I am trying to make out the view in the reflection but alas, only snippets. ๐Ÿ™‚

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