The ropes showcased her breasts beautifully but they needed some more decoration. I pulled out the adjustable nipple clamps. Set already for my nipples I thought they would be about right but maybe just another turn tighter. She closed her eyes as I attached them and she seemed to glow. As I pulled up on them she slightly arched her back. Not wanting to go with me too much but not completely wanting to pull back. Her nipple lifted in such a beautiful peak, I held my camera close and made her hold still while I took a few images. Her quiet patience the result of the space the rope sent her too.

I lifted the chain to her mouth and told her to hold it in her teeth. I put the camera down and set about trying to break her silence.

Close up black and white photograph of a rope tied female breast with an adjustable nipple clamp attached pulling up on the nipple with a chain.

To read and see more images of her you can check out my post Black Rope and Black Rope 2

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