This week’s #MasturbationMonday prompt image is a wonderful one from Little Rara of her beautiful breasts painted with stars and planets.

I haven’t managed anything as intricate (although once I did paint my right breast to look like a Christmas pudding but that’s a different story I shall keep for Christmas) but I have managed a moon covered with late evening sun.

And as is tradition in my part of twitter on BankHolidayBumDays we celebrate all things good about the bottom.

And for all those interested in photography this image is unedited apart from my name.

Image of my arse from upper thigh to lower back, slightly right of centre. I am stood up and there is warm late evening sunlight shining onto my buttocks from a shaft of light from the left. The light curves round the cheeks and the edges of the image is very dark.

Click on the image link below to see who else is posting and writing wonderful things for Masturbation Monday

9 thoughts on “Bank Holiday Moonday

  1. The light is perfect. I have to piggy-back on an earlier comment and say it’s only fitting for a such a lovely moon to capture to reflect the light from the sun. What a beautiful image.

  2. I’m wishing we had bank holidays now, too. Federal Holiday Bum Days just doesn’t have quite the same ring, lol. But I’m happy to sit back and appreciate your…bank holiday. 😉

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