Tag: Pink
Stripy Blue and Pink Nipple Ring #SJC 159
I usually use daylight for my nipple jewellery images but with lots of work on and it’s winter so needs must.
Large pink Nipple Ring #SJC 158
Sometimes we just need something bold and bright in our lives. Sometimes that is clothes, and sometimes for me that’s my nipple jewellery. I’ve decided […]
Practice makes perfect
“If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.” – Stephen King […]
Pink Candy Striped Nipple Bar #SJC 151
Something lighter for my nipple today to try and help lift my mood. This pink bar I have sometimes swapped with my blue version for […]
Turquoise and pink opal nipple bar #SJC 146
The benefit of having so many different pieces of nipple jewellery is you can mix and match and today I’ve swapped so I’ve got a […]
Large silver nipple ring with hematite ball #SJC 142
Last weekend I was given some flowers by some friends. They have lasted beautifully and have been a real focus point in our living room […]
Antique gold nipple bar with pink centres #SJC 138
Today’s new nipple jewellery is a birthday present from a lovely friend. A complete surprise and bang on at the moment because the stone colour […]
Tickle Me Pink
My hair was getting an odd collection of light and dark blonde shades so I’ve decided to go pink again. Let’s hope people at work […]
Pink Chest
I’ve been walking a lot during lockdown. There is a lovely footpath that goes out of my village through some fields and around a wood […]