I’ve been walking a lot during lockdown. There is a lovely footpath that goes out of my village through some fields and around a wood which takes me a couple of hours to do. Last month I even managed an average of 10k steps a day (which I’ve never managed in my entire life) but now I’m back at work and my time for wandering is gone during the week so this morning I set off in the rain to do the same walk. Stupid of me not to put sunscreen on though as after 20 mins the sun came out. I have to be so careful because I burn so easily (and one of my family had skin cancer) and have been putting it on everyday (except today) I am kicking myself for my stupidity. Pink chested and old enough to know better.

Been there, done that, but not as lovely as you though.
Looks sore but makes a really beautiful image – I am glad to see you back taking images again x
sorry about the burn
lovely photo and sweet smile
Ouch! Impressed with your steps and look at that smile! ☺️
Oh goodness … I didn’t notice the sunburn at first … I was SO distracted by the lovely foreground.
And love the way your nipple ring is just kissing the table top !!!
LOVE this photo !!!
Xxx – K
As I write this comment I’m basking in the glow of some rather pink arms. Solidarity ouch, but also a hot photo!
I hope it didn’t hurt too much. Love your smile.
~ Marie
Snap! Except it’s the back of my neck, although I’m a real sucker for running my nails over sunburn. And yes, I know I should be more careful too.
I think this picture is fabulous, you look so happy! And burnt or not, you got your vitamin D in!
Pink is one of my favourite colours! And that’s a lovely photo!
I know you are unhappy with the burn but I do love how the shape of it is mirrored by the shape of both your boobs and curve under your arms.
I have been averaging 10,000 steps per day as well and always feel the better for those walks and miss them when I can’t get them