Tag: Feet
Boiling myself
I love a really really hot bath. The type you can light a match off. Somewhere I can soak and sweat away any worries. I […]
Something new
I’ve wanted a tattoo for years. Finally at the age of 46 I decided I shouldn’t wait any longer. I knew who I wanted to […]
Sunday alfresco
It’s the first morning I’ve sat outside to eat my breakfast this year. The sun was warm but the wind was chilly. I was happy […]
Missing you
I managed a few days away recently but I missed my fella terribly. Luckily we chatted regularly and I had some friends round who kept […]
Sexy because …
I am sexy because … Well you can all fill out your own reason in that sentence. Maybe it’s because you like my tits, or […]
Blue sky blessing
It’s a blessing to wake up this weekend to see blue skies and snow topped hills of the gorgeous Lake District. I don’t mind the […]
Sensitive Sole
What would you do? Tickle them? Lick them? Crop them? Cum all over them? Or all of the above ?
“All presented one face to the world, and kept another hidden. Nobody could survive in it otherwise. – Author: John Connolly”