I love a really really hot bath. The type you can light a match off. Somewhere I can soak and sweat away any worries. I tend to read and enjoy at least one if not two hours in there.

This week has taken it out of me and this bath is my own bit of self care. I rarely masturbate in the bath because it’s too warm but once I’m out. Here I’m just starting to debate getting out and enjoying the stillness of my Sunday afternoon.

Black and white close up photograph of my toes against the bottom of the bath. You can just see the taps and my toes reflected back in the creamy murky water. I have darker nail varnish on my toes and a shiny toe ring on one toe.
Sinful Sunday logo with the words over a pink lip print.

5 thoughts on “Boiling myself

  1. Agree 100%! As luck would have it, I’m in the bath myself, having soaked and sweated a good while, and then topped up with more excruciatingly hot water 🙂

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