Day 25 of February PhotoFest and it’s important to do some good stretches each morning to get things going and flowing. These big windowed doors […]
Seaside find
Day 23 February PhotoFest and you’d be amazed at what you can find at the seaside if you look carefully enough. This photograph was taken […]
Day 22 of February PhotoFest and time to enjoy some tulips I was given by a grateful friend.
Dressing down?
Day 21 of February PhotoFest and shall we dress down in our dressing gowns?
Jumper and socks
Day 20 of February PhotoFest and with all the wintery storms around it’s important to keep warm even when wanking. This is my new favourite […]
Blue stripped Nipple Bar #SJC 216
Day 19 of FebPhotoFest and another jewellery change as it’s Saturday. I wear a lot of stripes and often they are blue and white so […]
Day 18 of February PhotoFest and an image with my lens ball. I haven’t taken as many photographs with this as I was expecting when […]
Evening cleavage
Day 17 of February PhotoFest and I miss the late summer evenings when the sun streams through my living room window and hits me sat […]
Summer poppies.
Day 16 of February PhotoFest and I’m longing for the warm and the sun of summer. Here is an image I took at the same […]