“Sex without love is as hollow and ridiculous as love without sex.” – Hunter S Thompson

I completely disagree with the above quote, for a start there are no absolutes in relationships. We are all such different creatures that no one comment can cover all eventualities.
Sex with love can be amazing. The connections, the deep emotional bonds that it creates and the sense of safety means you can explore different things and allow yourself to be vulnerable with some freedom. But I also really enjoy sex with people I don’t love. It can be just as amazingly physically. It can create new connections both physical and emotional. But it can also be just a damn good workout with sexual climaxes.
Denying ourselves sexual contact without love is like denying a thirsty person a drink and only giving them a drink if you have fine wine.
I may care for the people I fuck. I may enjoy their company, know them intimately or they can be relative strangers. Finding out what someone else enjoys sexually and experimenting with them is like being let loose in their music collection. You’ll find some albums you have in common but you may also find some new musical gems you take with you for the future.
The flip side of this argument is true as well. There can be love without sex. Maybe some intimacy is necessary but that depends on the relationship and the people involved. Relationships are too multifaceted for this blunt tool of a statement and I love exploring all those facets.

This is wonderful! I love the composition, that hand against the dark wall is perfect. It’s beautiful, as is your writing. xx
Thank you x
Completely agree with your disagreement of that quote and that photo is so hot.
The picture is definitely sexy
Absolutely agree with you 100%
That’s a very sexy photo and I totally agree with you. Sex and love are not the same thing, they can be linked but they don’t need to be.
Thank you x
Totally agree with your thoughts on the quote. That image is so wonderful, I love how entwined they are, it feels very voyeristic, like I’ve snuck in right in the middle of something to watch.
“Denying ourselves sexual contact without love is like denying a thirsty person a drink and only giving them a drink if you have fine wine.”
OHHHH yes this is fabulous =)