This week is a prompt week on Sinful Sunday and this week it was ‘bokeh’ which is defined as “the visual quality of the out-of-focus areas of a photographic image, especially as rendered by a particular lens

I’m not sure of the quality of the out of focus area in this image, as I don’t have those glowing balls of light, but I know I love this piece of glass.

To see what others are posting on this week’s prompt Sinful Sunday click on the lips below.

32 thoughts on “Through the fucking glass

  1. This is so clever and such an amazing image. The softness makes is really beautiful and the contrast of the clarity and blur makes both so much more absorbing. This is a sure winner for me 🙂

  2. This is fucking awesome. Whether you have achieved the bokeh effect or not it doesn’t really matter because what you have created is fucking wow


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