Day 15 of February PhotoFest and a great pair of blue tits. I bought myself a cheap little clip on LED light for my phone […]
The prompt for Kink of the Week at the moment is Nyotaimori which is when sushi is served off a naked person’s perfectly still body. […]
Golden Nipple Ring #SJC 215
Day 12 of February PhotoFest and another new jewellery. I don’t often wear gold coloured jewellery but I think against my pale skin it looks […]
Standing by the rainbow
Day 10 of FebPhotoFest and today I’m standing by the rainbow. I identify as bisexual and have a few family members who are bi too, […]
Fireside Wine
Day 8 of FebPhotoFest and I often work late on Tuesdays. It’s my toughest day of the week and it’s made loads better if I […]