The last year has been difficult for many reasons but one of them is my libido had dropped massively. For someone who had to have a wank every morning and enjoyed sex several times a week I felt like it was difficult to do anything even once a fortnight and I just didn’t feel like me.

Luckily I have a great GP and at Christmas time I started on some HRT patches and vaginal cream, which have help a lot of my symptoms, including bringing my libido back up to normal level. In fact some days it seems to be turned up to 11.

I don’t want to hide the fact I’m on HRT, because it’s important we normalise it and talk openly about the difficulties around menopause and perimenopause. I’m not going to be fading into the background anytime soon.

So here is my bottom with it’s small but important HRT patch.

A black and white photograph of me (a naked curvy white lady) kneeling in a chair facing away from the camera. My head is down and the soles of my feet are up and exposed.  Just visible on my right thigh/bottom is a square clear HRT patch
Sinful Sunday logo with the words in black over a pink lip print

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