I can’t believe it’s Day 1 of February PhotoFest and we’ve made it through to another year. This will be my 6th FebPhotoFest and it’s the main reason I started my blog. I wanted somewhere to showcase my photography that wasn’t a fleeting social media post, and I wanted to join in with this wonderful group of creative sex bloggers I’d found. I still enjoying being part of this group and although I’m not taking as many photographs these days my enjoyment of it hasn’t ceased.

Keep your eyes peeled for a collection of old and new images this month. With my usual jewellery changed and some great photographs of other people too. to start it all off I thought I’d share a new image of myself in my favourite woodland.

A coloured photograph with a soft dreamy edit feel of a naked woman leaning up against a large beech tree. Showing just her side profile and tilting her head away.
February PhotoFest logo with the words in a yellow box next to an image of an old camera.

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