I use to think that my breasts were my best feature of my body. I was a late developer and didn’t get boobs and start my periods till I was 14. But boy did my boobs make up for the late start. I have a high waist and although I’ll never be slim at my best shape I’m quite hourglass. I joke I always need to keep some weight on my arse otherwise I’d keep toppling forward. I even had a really low cut cropped wrap top I use to wear at University particularly for going on the pull or getting served quicker in bars. That top had a 100% success rate!
But my boobs and my thoughts of them have changed over the years. I got my nipple pierced at 20 after breaking up from a long term relationship as a way of reclaiming them for myself. (And because the ex would have hated it!) but I took my piercing out when I had kids to breastfeed.
My boobs were always big but got enormous when I was pregnant. My bra got up to a 40GG at my biggest. But my breasts were amazing at feeding my kids. I know not everyone can manage to breastfeed and it’s a very emotive subject but mine worked just like they should (often way more so) and I found feeding my kids not only easy but enjoyable. Even when I went back to work part time after 12 weeks and had to express four times a day. But the feeding took its toll on the shape and although they have stayed big the fullness of shape has gone and I need a more balcony type bra.
My nipples are often not that sensitive even the pierced one and need firm play to get me aroused but, like most Boob owners, hormones can make them tender. In fact I knew I was pregnant the second time purely because my breasts became so hot! I have managed to orgasm once from just nipple play but that was a rare one off, but I do enough them being played with especially while I’m riding cock.
When I first starting taking photographs of myself for Twitter and my blog I concentrated on my breasts. But as time has gone on and my photography has changed it’s something I actively try and do less of. Maybe the fact that I still photograph my nipple jewellery every week on a Saturday means I’ll never stop taking photographs of my boobs, but it also means I know how to make them look good generally.
This shot isn’t one of my nipple shots, it isn’t even taken with my big camera. I was on one of my usual walks and enjoying a rude conversation via messages on my phone to a friend. They mentioned it was a “perfect day for tit flashing in the woods” and I’m a sucker for a task/challenge so propped my phone against a tree branch, threw off my top and bra and grinned at the camera.
A quick snap for a friend but somehow it captures the joy I get now from photographing my body, from sharing images with friends and online and also from being naked outdoors.
My tits may not be my best feature these days but I still enjoying showing them off.

How delightful – flashing tits and a smile! 😍
Against the backdrop of the forest, they look great. Take more photos like this.