A few years ago I was in a restaurant in France with my family and we were on the dessert stage when I noticed on the menu one option was “Le Gangbang” I’ll be honest I thought it was one of those dodgy mixed up translations you sometimes see from Asian languages into English but it wasn’t. Le Gangbang was a dessert which included one scoop of all the flavours of ice cream they served which was about 6. It came on a plate and each ice cream ball was balanced on a separate spoon.
Now this is an idea I can agree with. Why try and choose a single flavour of ice cream you want, when you can have lots of them all at the same time. One after another, carefully separated and enjoyably different flavours (not all melting into one bowl) but all there for me to devour in one sitting.
I was once called the “Best sort of greedy” from a friend who I’ve fucked and this idea of a gangbang feeds into my greedy nature. I’d love to have lots of men all there to fuck me. To let me enjoy them but also take pleasure in my body too. When asked what I wanted for my birthday recently “a room full of cocks” happened to be my reply.
I’ve only recently enjoyed more than just my husbands cum inside me one specific night, and the idea of being filled to overflowing and having it drip down my thighs is a real delight. Especially if I then have to go and do something relatively benign like go out for dinner. Cunt deliciously used and feeling tender, thighs slick and a massive smile on my face.
I think we should accept the term gangbang back into polite society where it has been cast out to only hang around on porn sites. To start making the sexual enjoyment of several people at once a sexual normality and a perfectly fun idea for my next birthday party!

I do recall arranging a 12 person gangbang for a friends 40th.
Was a wild afternoon and evening which did end up with a broken bed.
She is now 53 and still waxes lyrical about that day.
That sounds amazing!
I think that sounds like a perfect birthday treat!
Your birthdays are pretty exciting already!