I’ve had a new mattress delivered recently. It had these two stickers on and I love them both. I do enjoy team handling and it got me thinking about if I was the equivalent of that mattress and the discussion between the rough handed men who would get me out of their white van and talk about the best way to get me upstairs, onto the bed and unwrap me.
“I’ll take top end and go first, you lift and follow with the rear. Make sure you don’t catch it on the walls. Grip it tight. The wrapping on this one doesn’t look too secure”
“Give me a second I’m not ready yet” replied his mate. “This one is heavy”
“The top quality ones often are. You got it? Right let’s get this one in position. Turn it round. It’s a snug fit….We shall both do this together…..She looks good there. Nice work. Now let’s get this wrapping off.” He takes out his short blade and runs it straight up the middle, peeling away the protective layers carefully. Leaving it looking fresh and exposed. Ready.

beautiful and definitely handle that lovely body with care and tenderness
Oh, that is so clever and hot.
Handle with care is always good advice.
Care obviously depending on what the lady wishes.