The joy of someone sharing a favourite toy with you can be a beautiful thing. I’ve been lucky to share some of my toys with others but recently I had the opposite happen. They borrowed this from the owner especially to show me and I’m glad they did.
We managed to capture a little bit of it here on video for you to see. Click the link/image below. Each time I watch it I get the same buzz and the memory of the sharp sting it gave.
Oooh, that looks wonderfully evil!
love the slow motion
the waves the smack
Sharing is caring, love the slow mo sound
What a delicious video! Unfff ?
Hmm, like ripples spreading across a pond… That is wonderful!
I can see why they wanted to show you that toy. I love leather spanking straps. Similar to a belt, but *purpose-made* for inflicting pain…
I love that the impact (and evilness of that toy) comes through in the image. I’m both smiling in delight AND thinking, “Ouch!”