This week’s Sinful Sunday prompt is F. I’ve gone through the alphabet twice already with my a2zsubmiss series and previously did Fan and Frills so I thought I’d try Flogger. Unfortunately getting a photograph of it in action is much harder than I thought. I’m not as happy with it as I hoped. But after about 30 mins of trying again and again, and changing all my settings to try and get it right, my arse was actually getting a bit sore! Maybe photographs of impacts will be a challenge for me to take on this year.

To see what others have managed for this prompt week click on the lips below.

12 thoughts on “F is for Flogger

  1. I actually really like this image as you can see the movement of the flogger. I look forward to seeing more images though, as you ‘practice’ for that perfect shot 😉

    Rebel xox

  2. I know you said you weren’t happy with this but to me you have nailed it. I love the fact that we can see movement and the way your body is positioned and your top being moved sexily out of the way. As a self portrait of self flogging it a real achievement!

  3. Been there, done that and got the sore arse and the grumpy dom who is fed up of delivering one whack at a time. Getting good impact shots is HARD. I have had some luck with capturing them when he plays with Cara though but you need the light to be right so you can slow down the shutter speed enough to capture the movement and balance that with the right ISO. Also using shutter priority mode works well too


    1. I may try that next time. I had good light but found I got too slow on my shutter time and the actually flogger disappeared! Getting the mid point was tricky and I got too fed up. Maybe using others is the way to go – thanks for the tips x

  4. I’m not sure if you’re hand on the wall was intentional, but it gives this image such emotion. Mostly that it was a lot of takes that ended in an ouchy bottom

  5. Impact shots are so damn hard and I did have to giggle at the sore arse, sorry! Great shot though, you captured the movement perfectly.

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