It’s the #400th Sinful Sunday today. Thank you so much Molly for all your hard work in hosting it. It keeps me going and keeps me inspired. To see what others are posting on this week’s Sinful Sunday click on the lips below.

A clean lens for my dirty mind
When I saw the little thumbnail photo I couldn’t open this fast enough. Love your wool socks.
Thank you x
Missy, I’m so glad you have set up this site for your pics – they are crafted with such wit. This is just great, the flow of the positioning of your limbs, the colours. Oh, and, of course, hotness. x
Cheers x
Wow! Like wow!! You look so phenomenal here. Like a sesh girl next door
Thanks. But I don’t know what a sesh girl is ?
Sexy? I mean that is where my mind went :p and my life is plagued by autocorrect saying something I didn’t mean, so maybe Cara’s is too, lol x
That should’ve said sexy. I got all twitterpated and autocorrect thwarted me.
I like the fact I make you get your words wrong ??
I love those socks! So pretty!
Thanks x
So cosy!
I love SOCKS!
Thank you and I so glad you enjoy Sinful Sunday and your work inspires me!
Always love your images and this is no exception
Oh god I love the cosy/sexy combo and you are rocking it here. Absolutely wonderful x
Such a sexy look you have here. Love the colors, and your casual pose 🙂
Rebel xox
Love the vibrant red colours and socks in general.
This really caught my eye, for many reasons! Your elegant yet inviting pose, the contrasting colours and the confident reveal. Incredibly stunning! X
Just sensational . . . absolutely gorgeous photo !!!
Xxx – K
This is soooooo tempting; it looks like a photo I’d intentionally take to entice someone I know I shouldn’t be going after. Sweaters and socks are a timelesly (?) sensual combination, and you look marvelous!
Super sexy – I love those socks x
Argyle socks, any long socks really, are so sexy. Thanks for giving us a little reminder keeping warm is hot!
This image is just so warm, sexy and inviting. The contrast of the red next to your skin and the use of texture is really brilliant. I love it ?
Thank You for addding link on a comment
love your sexy legs in thigh hi socks