24 thoughts on “Contemplation

  1. Fab stance you have in this photo – I injured a leg two years ago and could not sit like that until recently – I worked hard to get my leg back – made it my religion and this photo reminded me of that ;-)x

  2. Stunning image, Missy! I love the lighting here and the colour of the background really compliments your skin. I must admit when the image popped up on Twitter and before I saw it all – I thought you were recreating that spreader bar image again!

  3. I like that both images are similar but different. I loved the spreader but I really like the colour in this one and the way that the light works. Fab ?

  4. I really like this. Partly because at first look it possibly looks fairly simple, but actually it is very evocative and conveys so much and I think that is a beautiful thing x

  5. This is so simple and beautiful. I love how your thighs line up with the line between the carpet and the wall… there’s a feeling of deep peace in this!

  6. This is a lovely photo.

    Beautifully framed and balanced, the pose both classically submissive, for those who think on those lines, and also contemplative.


  7. I’m late commenting but just saw this image in my Twitter feed; someone retweeted it. When I saw it, I stopped in my tracks and felt a warm recognition. It sums up a moment of the perfect peace I strive for in a submissive state. Rarely achieved (for me) but no less a goal. Beautiful picture Missy x

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