
I’m a tactile person, which for me means I often remember things by touch, I play the piano and I also work with my hands, so the feel of things is vital to me. I love the idea of blindfolds during sex, but what surprised me recently was how my response to different D/s things we regularly use is massively affected by a blindfold.

When I can see, a slap to my arse, a hair grab/pull or a crop to my tits will almost instantly start my juices flowing. But when I’m blindfolded my fear of the unknown and the inability to predict a sensation seems to keep me on the unpleasant edge of fear – rather than the wet cunt side. I trust my husband completely but when blindfolded my usual responses failed me.

The difference is they just needed to be coaxed, tickled and teased out of me. The pain of my nipple clamps seemed massively intensified – but held my focus much better when I was blind. His mouth, just above mine, hovering just out of reach for a kiss. His nails running up and down the inside of thigh. Maybe I just need practice in finding the pleasure out of the pain this way. I also tend to need constant verbal communication to keep that connection between us going, turning the wheel that keeps me sparking, which seems simple when I can see his face.

There was only one thing I found easier whilst blindfolded, and that was (when commanded) verbally admitting, during the act itself, that I was his “anal whore”.

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4 thoughts on “Blindfolded #KOTW

  1. It’s amazing how the trust changes to a level of uncertainty with the loss of sight. It’s delicious because the trust really is there but we have to rely on things other than our sight…it intensifies everything.

    1. And our differences make us so much more interesting. I’ve always loved blindfolds but my D/s dynamic is quite new so the mixture of the two recently was (excuse the pun) an eye opener!

  2. I’m so with you on blindfolds adding a bit of healthy fear to my play! If I can see it, I can steel myself against it, but if not…

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