Those of you that know me will be aware I’ve been trying to get to grips with a wonderful new Canon camera in the last few months, and I was lucky enough to spend some time alone one night this week with my camera, tripod and an angel-poise lamp. I was so pleased with the series of photos that I’ve posted some already on twitter

Someone mentioned I looked like “a warm, sultry country” they wanted to visit, and another friend replied “a sweeping desert vista” I loved both these comments, so please enjoy some more glowing dunes.

To see who else is exploring this week’s #SinfulSunday click the lips below.

43 thoughts on “#SinfulSunday – A sweeping desert vista

  1. I would say you have done an excellent job of getting to grips with your new camera. These are quite frankly gorgeous, you have balanced the light and shadows really well.


  2. Great photo’s, I love the contrast between your body and the mesh. Speaking of which “FREE THE NIPPLE!!!!” the poor beastie is trapped in a cage, (and I’m in a totally silly mood!) Seriously I love how it’s popping through the mesh so invitingly. Indie x

  3. This series is glorious. I love the crisscrossed shadows on your skin, the way the velvety blackness behind you contrasts with the golden light focused on your skin, the slopes of your body. Absolutely glorious.

  4. These photos are incredible! You clearly got to grips with your camera very quickly. Every one is literally breathtaking! Your nipple in the first though, wow! That one was my favourite.
    Aurora x

  5. These are so beautiful – I love your balance of light and dark and your golden “glowing dunes” are glorious. The first one, with your nipple poking out of the fishnet, is especially sexy. x

  6. Ooo like Mr Wookie, I’m in love with the geometry?
    And how glad are we that the description the friend gave you inspired these!

  7. Bloody smoking hell!!! Fucking love your nipple sticking out of the sexy fishnets! And hallelujah for playing with your new canon! It was well worth it.
    I think I’m gonna jump in mine now!:) super hot!

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