Category: Sinful Sunday
Weighing them up
I met a person recently who seemed amazed at my boobs. They had almost a teenagers pleasure in holding squeezing and weighing up my rather […]
House Plant
I love large beautiful house plants with big bold leaves. They just always make me want to take my clothes off and photograph myself naked […]
The Void
I received a beautiful large alien dildo for Christmas called the Void by Uncover Creations It happens to be the large one out of the […]
Dutch Courage
Dutch courage is often a phrase that means having an alcoholic drink before doing something difficult or scary – or maybe it’s what you call […]
Four filters for the price of one
I am blessed with having beautiful friends who not only look good in front of my camera but also have the skill of taking images […]
This year I started playing my saxophones again after a break caused by covid. I’ve joined a band and done my first live gig with […]
Boiling myself
I love a really really hot bath. The type you can light a match off. Somewhere I can soak and sweat away any worries. I […]
Christmas present pants
It’s always good to receive special underwear at Christmas. This year I was the giver rather than the recipient. But I do think he looks […]