I’ll hold my hands up and admit this is my first #SoSS post even though I’ve been included in many other wonderful ones by fellow bloggers. I was unsure how I could make it fit into my rather photograph heavy blog and realised the answer would be to just do it! The reason behind these posts are because of new forms of censorship in our social media sites, shadow banning our accounts and therefore limiting our access to a new and wider audience. We shall not be silenced. So I’m sharing other blogger’s posts to spread their great and sexy works.

As an avid participant of each #SinfulSunday I’m always in awe and inspired by everyone’s contributions and creativity each week and last week I particularly enjoyed


My namesake and a women I’d always be happy to be confused with as she is incredibly sexy and such a fantastic writer on all things kink and related to her submission. Her pose here sends tingles down my spine.

Tabitha Rayne

This photograph of her scrumping is so perfectly autumnal and as I’m a big fan of free food, all things apple made and her arse I had to include this one.

Rebel’s notes

I love Marie’s bodyguard photograph with the red dress and her lovely body against the dark background. It calls to me.

Other great blogs that have got me hot under the collar this last week include;

Molly Moore’s On Dangerous Ground

Submissy’s Risky Sex

The Library of Nell’s The Knot of Love

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