I saw an image tweeted recently that a follower really liked. When I saw it my thoughts instantly went to where is the light, what angle is the camera, what plain flooring or room could I possibly use. And quickly realised I couldn’t take a photograph like that at home. This week I’ve been away and I managed 30 mins on my own in the holiday cottage with my camera and my tripod and it was all I wanted was to try and recreate it. Unfortunately after 25 mins the realisation that my tits were never going to allow me to copy the original pose (not perky) I finally got one shot I was reasonably pleased with. I love inspiration, and the challenge of trying to get something good keeps me taking photographs. I need to do more.

Click the lips below to see who else is playing this Sinful Sunday.

43 thoughts on “Floored

  1. As I don’t have the image you are referring to, to cross-reference – I’ll just have to ignore that bit of the text 😉

    I think you look bloody incrediable here – I love the edit, your skin just looks flawless and I love the tiny poke of nip peeking too x

  2. Love this so much – your skin looks amazing and am very drawn to your hand – being slightly out of focus – great stuff

  3. I think this is terrific, Missy. It succeeds on its own terms, not as an imitation of something else, even if that is where the inspiration comes from. The angle creates abstraction which focuses my eye on the textures – the detail of the hair, the smoothness of skin and then stippling of the carpet pile.

        1. If you have a favourite piece of underwear or outfit…. try that. You’ll feel sexier and the photos will be fun. But you don’t have to take part each week.

  4. I absolutely love every aspect of this image, your skin, the b&w, your freckles, your back, your shoulders, your bum, your pose, your lower back, just a peek of your nip, even the bottom of your foot, and of course your hair. Your pose is very alluring, and everything about your body makes me want to reach out and touch you. So Beautiful!

      1. I couldn’t say enough good things about your photo. It made me tingle inside like no other image!

  5. Oh my. Your skin, your freckles, your form all bathed in the delightful light. This is such a gorgeous image. I love that the other image inspired you. The difference isn’t failure. They feel as though they are different aspects of a matching theme. Beautiful – but there is no surprise there.

  6. Everything about this image is beautiful and I am in awe to know you have done this all by yourself. Where I have only just started out with self photography, I hope to capture these kind of images in future 🙂

    Rebel xox

  7. I love trying to recreate photos or riffing off of what someone else has done. You should post the reference photo too! And I agree with everyone else, your skin looks delectable.

  8. This is so lovely, there is something wonderfully calm and graceful about it. I really love it. I’ve had failed attempts with my camera and tripod up until now, but this may inspire me to give that another go x

    1. I also use my phone as a remote connected to the WiFi of my camera. So my phone can show me what the camera sees, and I can use it as a remote to take the picture too.

  9. Ahh yes, there is a fine line between inspiration and devastation I have found. You find an image you love and then when you try to recreate it all it odes it make you realise that your body is ‘not right’. Suddenly you are cross with yourself, with your body and your age and…. I have totally done this and over the years got much better and taking the elements I like from an image and making them my own. What about that image spoke to me…. was it sensual, graphic, raw, romantic…. and try to take those things and bring them to my version of the image. It is not always easy though when you have a picture in your head and you just can’t recreate anything like it…. those are days when I get angry and end up putting my camera away in a huff.


    1. I’m so glad Molly I’m not the only one. Thank you for understanding – it’s happened a few times and although I have got better at dealing with my anger and giving the images time for me to like them. I know I can’t help getting cross. Our images should be our own and we should learn to appreciate them anyway. X x thank you

  10. Using images for inspiration can be maddening as hell. KMy tits don’t point the right wayk and ‘I’m not flexible enough’ often send me into a grouch! Inspiration is not copying, is something I really need to learn!

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