I tried the vacu-bed at Eroticon. I was amazed at how calm I was. Once I was use to the all over tight sensation, a sense of being restrained but in a very comfortable way, I actually relaxed into it. I became much more aware of all sounds. Closed in, I could have stayed there for hours, I know that is someone wanted to caress or play with me like that I knew I would love it, except I started thinking about how I looked to everyone else around me. My mind drifted away from all the things someone could be doing to my encased body and landed on one single thought. “Has this given me a camel toe?!”

Luckily the wonderful Honey @ht_honey who has the blog Happycomelucky took photographic evidence and I didn’t.

The amazing bit was she also videoed me as they initially sucked the air out. Here is a clip.

I also have these three photographs from Hannah Lockhart showing me getting in. Like one big black latex sleeping bag.

Click the lips below to see who else is playing this Sinful Sunday.

22 thoughts on “Sealed for extra freshness

    1. People around me encouraged me to try it. When would I usually get to do that? I love restraints generally. This actually felt like an all over but gentle restraint. Cocooned. Held. I think that’s why it was quite freeing. I wasn’t thinking about the dig of rope, of the coldness of chains. It was so complete it was refreshing in a way.

  1. Glad to see the pictures, cos I missed most of the demo on the day! I’m not sure I could bear it but you look like rather sexy alien! or future version of womankind!

  2. Wonderful photos. I absolutely loved that part of Eroticon and was in awe of those that went into the vac bed. I loved the one I did, though had my face free which was my preference. But maybe another time I’d try this one.

  3. That little video clip is awesome…. You are a braver woman than me, Mac is always trying to get me to try it but it just freaks me out. I loved watching everyone else try it though and I think we are definitely going to try and get him back next year and also add to those sessions


    Ps… you should totally add this to the Eroticon round up linky tool

  4. I…wow…I’m not sure how I feel about these images. I mean…hot, and yet…terrifying. LOL I have never been claustrophobic, but these images make me feel uncomfortable…and yet…they are so…I want to run my hands down that slick latex… Haha, a Sinful Sunday that confuses me… :=)

  5. In my opinion all who tried it was very brave. I could barely look at it, just imagining myself in there gave me the shivers…

    Great that you have so many photos of it 🙂

    Rebel xox

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